North Texas White Christmas
We've enjoyed plenty of 70-degree Christmases in Texas over the years, but this year gave us something different: actual snow on Christmas Eve (which remained on the ground on Christmas Day, and then some!) Driven by fierce 40-mph wind gusts which blew it into large drifts, it was the kind of snow that's more enjoyable to stay inside and look at rather than step outside and experience. Of course, I was at work on Christmas Eve, but I stepped outside the NOC long enough to snap this photo of something rarely seen...
Before I went to work on the 24th, we celebrated Christmas with the kids at Mom's house.
This "reindeer tongue" sucker was runner-up in the "bad taste in Christmas candy" category...
"Bad taste in Christmas candy" winners: Panda and polar bears that poop brown jelly beans
Even Sprocket got a gift: a chewable rubber tongue
White Christmas in Saginaw.
Before I went to work on the 24th, we celebrated Christmas with the kids at Mom's house.

I worked on Christmas, too. Not a single train moved until 7 pm, by which time I had enjoyed the nice catered dinner that the company provides for dispatchers on Christmas Day. Before work, I stopped through Saginaw to snap a photo...

Hope all of my family and friends had an enjoyable holiday season.
Stay tuned for more coming soon.
np: Wayne Hancock - "Track 49"
Stay tuned for more coming soon.
np: Wayne Hancock - "Track 49"
Labels: Christmas, Fort Worth Texas, Saginaw Texas
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