Spring Break breakdown - 5
Ghost hunting & sand surfing
We spent the afternoon of March 19 on a "mini" road trip to Cloudcroft and White Sands. Back in Texas, L's Junior Historians group was embarking on a "ghost hunt" project in the Ft. Worth Stockyards, so we thought we'd hold a ghost hunt of our own at a hotel in Cloudcroft. Simply known as "The Lodge", Cloudcroft's finest hotel is reportedly haunted (the hotel owners prefer the term "charmed") by the spirit of Rebecca, a beautiful red-haired chambermaid who disappeared from the hotel under mysterious circumstances in the early 1900s. Would we find her?
L looks for signs in the observation tower.
Next, we headed for White Sands National Monument near Alamogordo. Although there's plenty to be learned at White Sands about nature, geology, climate, weather, wind patterns, etc., the primary purpose of our visit was to entertain ourselves. Namely, to spend a couple hours sliding down the dunes on brightly colored "sand saucers". A good time was had by all!
Happy times!
We spent the afternoon of March 19 on a "mini" road trip to Cloudcroft and White Sands. Back in Texas, L's Junior Historians group was embarking on a "ghost hunt" project in the Ft. Worth Stockyards, so we thought we'd hold a ghost hunt of our own at a hotel in Cloudcroft. Simply known as "The Lodge", Cloudcroft's finest hotel is reportedly haunted (the hotel owners prefer the term "charmed") by the spirit of Rebecca, a beautiful red-haired chambermaid who disappeared from the hotel under mysterious circumstances in the early 1900s. Would we find her?

During our climb up into the observation tower, the boys reported that a chair in the stairwell had inexplicably "moved". (The mischievous Rebecca is reportedly fond of rearranging furniture, and pulling other little pranks to startle guests.) But since our visit to the Lodge didn't yield any definite ghost sightings or other contact, the results of our visit were "inconclusive". We did, however, enjoy a nice lunch in Rebecca's restaurant... and our little adventure helped stimulate a discussion of college dorm room proportions on our trip home.
Next, we headed for White Sands National Monument near Alamogordo. Although there's plenty to be learned at White Sands about nature, geology, climate, weather, wind patterns, etc., the primary purpose of our visit was to entertain ourselves. Namely, to spend a couple hours sliding down the dunes on brightly colored "sand saucers". A good time was had by all!

Happy Easter, y'all... and check back after the holidays for my next report... a visit to the UFO Museum in Roswell on our way back to Texas.
np: Ralph Stanley / Jim Lauderdale - "This world is not my home"
np: Ralph Stanley / Jim Lauderdale - "This world is not my home"
Labels: alamogordo new mexico, cloudcroft lodge, cloudcroft new mexico, road trip, white sands, white sands national monument
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