Day in North America 2008
Well, on Saturday, July 26, it was that time again... time to go shoot photos for "Day in North America". Sponsored by Railroads Illustrated magazine, DINA occurs once a year. It's a date when railfans throughout North America are encouraged to shoot photos of railroad-related subjects, and then submit them for publication in a special issue of the magazine. I have participated almost every year for the past 10 years or so. This year, I was scheduled to work 2nd shift in the afternoon (wonder if anyone photographed any of MY trains...) but I still had the morning free.... here are the results:
I began the day at Saginaw with a pair of Gensets tied down on an industry job...
A Great Northern wood-chip gon, now in BNSF maintenance-of-way service, was on hand on the Saginaw transfer. A great catch!
Finishing the "pig dance"... The KCS gives the BNSF conductor a ride back to the head-end of his train.

Coming next: "This is my railroad". Stay tuned...
np: kids still sleeping past 9 am. This is the last week they'll get away with that... school starts August 25!
Labels: day in north america, Justin Texas, Metro Texas, railroad logos, Saginaw Texas, train photos
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