While the wife's away...
... Whiskey will play!
K and the kids were out of town for a few days earlier in the week, allowing me something that has become a rare luxury -- railfanning with few or no boundaries! No one to tell me where I can or can't go, when I have to be back home, or what I have to do when I get home... So on both of my rest days, I was out chasing trains most of the day. I had considered an overnight out-of-town trip (Rich Mountain on the KCS seemed appealing) but in the end I decided to stay closer to home. Here are some of the highlights...
I began my day on Sunday by chasing a trio of Ferromex GE's east on the UP Baird Sub (the former Texas & Pacific west of Ft Worth). What a catch! They're shown here approaching Santo. July 15, 2007.
On Sunday afternoon, I caught a pair of UP gensets switching the Del Monte / Saddle Creek warehouse in Saginaw.
I finally got some sunny shots of the BNSF Gensets -- BNSF 1228 at Saginaw.
A switch crew takes a break at Saginaw. BNSF 1228 and 2351 provide an illustration of motive power transition in the background.
Sunset at Herman on the BNSF Wichita Falls Sub (former Ft Worth & Denver northwest of Ft. Worth) .
On Monday, I was back out on the UP Baird Sub in time to catch UP 7625 (my first catch of a 7600) leading eastbound stacks west of Cisco near Dothan.
My camera setup for the previous photo...
Cryo-Trans reefer "Big Beaver" rolls through Roanoke on Monday afternoon...
End of the day on Monday... BNSF SD70ACe 9395 leads a coal train through Saginaw.
That's all for now; stay tuned for my next entry as I review Monday's Hank Williams III show.
K and the kids were out of town for a few days earlier in the week, allowing me something that has become a rare luxury -- railfanning with few or no boundaries! No one to tell me where I can or can't go, when I have to be back home, or what I have to do when I get home... So on both of my rest days, I was out chasing trains most of the day. I had considered an overnight out-of-town trip (Rich Mountain on the KCS seemed appealing) but in the end I decided to stay closer to home. Here are some of the highlights...

That's all for now; stay tuned for my next entry as I review Monday's Hank Williams III show.
np: Ricky Skaggs & Kentucky Thunder - "Get up John"
Labels: BNSF Wichita Falls Subdivision, Genset locomotives, Saginaw Texas, train photos, UP Baird Subdivision
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