Whiskey don't wear Prada
So, K and I were having a talk about some of the recently released Hollywood pictures, and I asked her what "Prada" was. Here response was something along the lines of , "Thank God you don't know... now I KNOW you're not gay!" (Refer to my June 19 entry for more).
from the 'guna to the Hills
Confession time: In a moment of weakness -- ok, it's actually more like 30 minutes each week -- I have allowed MTV to reel me in for a third season of southern California reali-drama. This season it's "the Hills", a Laguna Beach spinoff which chronicles the life of Lauren Conrad (L.C., who appeared in the first two seasons of Laguna Beach, first as a high-school senior, then as a college freshman who dropped out after one semester).

Since dropping out, L.C. has managed to score a highly coveted internship with Teen Vogue magazine, and has left the friendly and safe confines of the Laguna Beach "bubble" for the hustle and bustle of the big city, LA's Hollywood Hills.

We experience the highs and lows of Lauren's new life as she attends classes at fashion school, tends to no end of menial tasks assigned to her as an intern, and reunites with ex-boyfriend Jason the male bimbo, who at the end of season two of Laguna Beach, broke LC's heart by making moves on his ex-girlfriend while LC looked on. While LC may be the star of "the Hills", she's not the only one receiving screen time; we also spend a lot of time getting to know Lauren's friends and acquaintances, from aspiring "Hollywood party PR girl" Heidi (LC's roommate) to Heidi's boyfriend Jordan, an aspiring actor who wisely encourages Heidi to quit school.

If all of this sounds kind of, well, "gay" for a 34-year old guy to be watching, well, the girls are pretty hot (although their beauty pales in comparison to that of my wife, who is probably reading this) and occasionally we are treated to shots of them at poolside. And it's fair to say that while I do enjoy the show, only HALF of my enjoyment comes from watching the show itself. I derive an equal amount of pleasure from reading the re-caps posted on http://www.tvgasm.com/, whose writers take great delight in slamming, insulting, and critiquing (with great sarcasm) the show's participants. See examples below:
Heidi was so bored that she escaped to the bathroom so she could make a clandestine call from the toilet stall. "It's so boring. This is my nightmare job," she told LC on the phone. And yes, it had only been about two hours. Who would have thought the dream job would turn into the nightmare job so quickly? Oh, that's right. EVERYONE.
*** and ***
Audrina then shared her goals and ambitions with Brian. She wanted to downgrade from her full-time job to a part-time position (someone on The Hills wants less responsibility? Why, I NEVER!!).
Does it get any better than that? Watch an episode or two of the Hills (new episodes air on MTV every Wednesday, and replay randomly throughout the rest of the week) and then read the tvgasm recaps. If that doesn't keep you entertained for the rest of the summer, then... well, I don't know what will.
approaching burnout
I don't know if it's due to the time of year (high sun, high heat, high humidity summertime blahs), boredom with the railroad scene in general, or just a lack of motivation, but I haven't really felt like shooting many photos lately. Or maybe I've just been too busy watching "the Hills".
Seriously, this time of year sucks for photography here in north Texas. We were lucky to get some rain and some cooler weather last week, but that has only added to the daytime "hazy bright" lighting conditions... if I go out shooting in the morning (which I haven't done in a month), I'm pretty well finished by 10:30 or so, when high sun begins. And the humidity makes it just miserable to be outdoors at all. Strangely, I have no problem riding my bike this time of year... in fact, this is probably my favorite time of year to ride. The heat and humidity don't bother me, as long as I'm riding into a nice breeze. And I'm already doing less photography, so it's not like I'm really missing going out shooting...
That being said, I did go out last Friday to catch an SD70ACe leading a coal load coming in from Wichita Falls. Here's a shot it it rounding the curve at Alvord...

Some time ago, I reached a point in my photography where I no longer had a desire to photograph every train I see (oh, how that wasn't the case 15 or 20 years ago!) These days, I really only feel like going out when it's already a nice day (clear skies, moderate temps, low humidity) to be outside anyway and I KNOW I'm going to get some killer shots. Anything else just seems like a waste of time and effort. Am I finally getting burned out on trains? I wouldn't really say that... it's not like I'm no longer interested in them... I choose many of the routes where I ride my bike based on their proximity to the tracks... I'm always happy to "roll one by", especially a good junk (manifest) freight. I guess I'm just maybe a little burned out on the photography part, especially the post-production part of digital shooting. Maybe that will change when I get a new (and faster) computer.
np: Texas Blues Radio Volume 3: a Dallas / Ft Worth Blues collection supporting Community Radio KNON 89.3 FM
from the 'guna to the Hills
Confession time: In a moment of weakness -- ok, it's actually more like 30 minutes each week -- I have allowed MTV to reel me in for a third season of southern California reali-drama. This season it's "the Hills", a Laguna Beach spinoff which chronicles the life of Lauren Conrad (L.C., who appeared in the first two seasons of Laguna Beach, first as a high-school senior, then as a college freshman who dropped out after one semester).

Since dropping out, L.C. has managed to score a highly coveted internship with Teen Vogue magazine, and has left the friendly and safe confines of the Laguna Beach "bubble" for the hustle and bustle of the big city, LA's Hollywood Hills.

We experience the highs and lows of Lauren's new life as she attends classes at fashion school, tends to no end of menial tasks assigned to her as an intern, and reunites with ex-boyfriend Jason the male bimbo, who at the end of season two of Laguna Beach, broke LC's heart by making moves on his ex-girlfriend while LC looked on. While LC may be the star of "the Hills", she's not the only one receiving screen time; we also spend a lot of time getting to know Lauren's friends and acquaintances, from aspiring "Hollywood party PR girl" Heidi (LC's roommate) to Heidi's boyfriend Jordan, an aspiring actor who wisely encourages Heidi to quit school.

If all of this sounds kind of, well, "gay" for a 34-year old guy to be watching, well, the girls are pretty hot (although their beauty pales in comparison to that of my wife, who is probably reading this) and occasionally we are treated to shots of them at poolside. And it's fair to say that while I do enjoy the show, only HALF of my enjoyment comes from watching the show itself. I derive an equal amount of pleasure from reading the re-caps posted on http://www.tvgasm.com/, whose writers take great delight in slamming, insulting, and critiquing (with great sarcasm) the show's participants. See examples below:
Heidi was so bored that she escaped to the bathroom so she could make a clandestine call from the toilet stall. "It's so boring. This is my nightmare job," she told LC on the phone. And yes, it had only been about two hours. Who would have thought the dream job would turn into the nightmare job so quickly? Oh, that's right. EVERYONE.
*** and ***
Audrina then shared her goals and ambitions with Brian. She wanted to downgrade from her full-time job to a part-time position (someone on The Hills wants less responsibility? Why, I NEVER!!).
Does it get any better than that? Watch an episode or two of the Hills (new episodes air on MTV every Wednesday, and replay randomly throughout the rest of the week) and then read the tvgasm recaps. If that doesn't keep you entertained for the rest of the summer, then... well, I don't know what will.
approaching burnout
I don't know if it's due to the time of year (high sun, high heat, high humidity summertime blahs), boredom with the railroad scene in general, or just a lack of motivation, but I haven't really felt like shooting many photos lately. Or maybe I've just been too busy watching "the Hills".
Seriously, this time of year sucks for photography here in north Texas. We were lucky to get some rain and some cooler weather last week, but that has only added to the daytime "hazy bright" lighting conditions... if I go out shooting in the morning (which I haven't done in a month), I'm pretty well finished by 10:30 or so, when high sun begins. And the humidity makes it just miserable to be outdoors at all. Strangely, I have no problem riding my bike this time of year... in fact, this is probably my favorite time of year to ride. The heat and humidity don't bother me, as long as I'm riding into a nice breeze. And I'm already doing less photography, so it's not like I'm really missing going out shooting...
That being said, I did go out last Friday to catch an SD70ACe leading a coal load coming in from Wichita Falls. Here's a shot it it rounding the curve at Alvord...

BNSF 9375 - eastbound coal loads - Alvord, TX - July 7, 2006
Some time ago, I reached a point in my photography where I no longer had a desire to photograph every train I see (oh, how that wasn't the case 15 or 20 years ago!) These days, I really only feel like going out when it's already a nice day (clear skies, moderate temps, low humidity) to be outside anyway and I KNOW I'm going to get some killer shots. Anything else just seems like a waste of time and effort. Am I finally getting burned out on trains? I wouldn't really say that... it's not like I'm no longer interested in them... I choose many of the routes where I ride my bike based on their proximity to the tracks... I'm always happy to "roll one by", especially a good junk (manifest) freight. I guess I'm just maybe a little burned out on the photography part, especially the post-production part of digital shooting. Maybe that will change when I get a new (and faster) computer.
np: Texas Blues Radio Volume 3: a Dallas / Ft Worth Blues collection supporting Community Radio KNON 89.3 FM
I found your blog by searching for KHYI. It is definitely my favorite station as long as natalie and nadine are not yapping on air. I agree with you that I had to stop listening in the mornings after they did a "Tom Landry" on Bruce. After reading a few of your posts I realized you would like Brian Burns' music; http://www.brianburnsmusic.com/bbm_default.htm
He does live shows around the DFW area and his schedule indicates that he has some Sunday shows in Cowtown.
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