Introducing Miss L
Meet "Miss L"
I'd like you to meet Miss L., the new "special someone" in my life. We hit it off well when we met back in January, and have since discovered that we share a number of mutual interests, including "Kids in the Hall", the BBC tv series "Coupling", 80's alt-rock music, and Coen Brothers movies. Best of all, she's a native Texan. :-)
Miss L is a graduate of the University of Texas (but I don't hold that against her, ha!) and works in community relations for a local Alzheimer's care facility. During her spare time she has been learning a lot about trains and hobo monikers. Last month, she joined me for an evening in Deep Ellum to catch a Tim Barry show... (see following entry).

Miss L is a graduate of the University of Texas (but I don't hold that against her, ha!) and works in community relations for a local Alzheimer's care facility. During her spare time she has been learning a lot about trains and hobo monikers. Last month, she joined me for an evening in Deep Ellum to catch a Tim Barry show... (see following entry).
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